
Showing posts from October, 2022


When you will leave, I will see you walk away with a smile Not because it will not hurt, But because I always knew that this day had to come. But still I choosed to follow my heart  And fall in love with you. May be this is why it is falling in love, Because we always knew what the end will be but we still choose not to look it. We choose the present and live happily in it. We both have discussed this day when one of us has to go and we thought we are ready, But are we ever ready to see that the day we are hoping not to come and prayed a million times to god to skip, Has finally arrived and  Had bring the things which we never wanted. But this time, I will hug you tightly for the last time, And say a proper goodbye. Not because it will be enough But because we always knew that this has to come. I will start my normal life again and may be you will have your happily ever after, We will not be in touch again, But still we will know how our lives gonna be, Because we ...

It is just a fling!

Sometimes,  Just you find someone from the crowd with whom you just click. Its just you behave differentaly. You take out the shield you have been wearing from the longest time. You let your vulnerabilites seek outside of you and your love gets some light. May or may not the next person feel the same but, The strongness you are showing finally from such a long time takes a deep sleep. But in that cases, There are questions on yourself that your soul asks! Is that You are very vulnerable? Is that you are very weak? Is that you are need to be loved? There are questions that rise and the answers are known to none. Offcourse that other person will not be with you and you will just ignore it considering it just a fling! But is it just a fling or is it something you are longing for!!!!! ❤️