How often!!!!!

How often you feel that you know nothing about yourself?

If you will ask me I will say every now and then but the question is how frustating it becomes when You genuinely want to figure out something but atlast you get to know Oh damn! I don't know me.

It won't be a situation that you will be OK but it would be creating more chaos for sure.

How wierd is this that we get one life and then we have to spend all the lives figuring out What exactly we want, what will be good for ourselves. People say its all written but if its all written why we always have to choose between things, Why we have to decide every now and then?

Today, I am at that stage of life where I thought I new so much about myself but ended up knowing nothing. I don't know what kind i am, what kind of genre I like, which color will suit me the best and which other things can make me happy.

Finding your happy place i believe is not that easy because now everything seems to be OK only.Life has became a rollercoaster passing through same tunnels again and again.

So what do you think is it all written somewhere, because what I believe it is not. May be the whole process is to figure out things which can make you feel the best and May be its the process which is written!!!!


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