Life Mismatched!

There is this time which comes in everybody's life when there is a feeling of demotivation or self doubt!

Its kind of a different feeling for whicu there is no word but then how to make someone understand about it and more than someone how would we explain to ourselves when even you donot know what is this feeling all about? 

It feels like that all the decisions you have taken till this time are wrong and you are roaming in the same circle. You are trying so hard to find a path which makes you move to a bigger circle and ofcourse a different way but you can not see a light that takes you that way!

All is just dark in front of you and it feels like your eyes has just stopped seeing the future or even dreaming or planning about it.
You do all the right things and try so hard to be the best but nothing is making the case easier. 

We try and make choices seeing that this will make us happy or will give us a better future and then you start living uo your decision then one it does not feel worth it,

Feels like there is no upgradation and we are just living not happy not sad
 Just Living!

What will you do in these times?
Offcourse not everybody will understand this till they are going through the same thing or have gone through it.
Everybody will have different answers and opinions.
Is it just about the adulting or the age or the life?

So many questions and still there is not light for an answers.

Never knew that there will be more difficult questions that we will have to solve than the ones we faced in our board exams.When there will be times than instead of us life would be laughing on us!

There is self doubt,there is demotivation,there is everything except the right things or 
There must be right things but the proportion of wrong things happening around are more!

In these times I donot know what everyone would expect and what one of us who is going through this would expect?

May be at these moments when everything seems wrong you just need to be heard. You donot need to be told that this is just a flick, or it is ok it will happen, it will go right,or you can do this!
You just feel that there should be someone who can just hear you. 

Offcourse you will look for an answer but the problem can be that we are so busy in finding the answer and solving it we are forgetting to look at the problem.

And i read somewhere that,
Its not important to solve the things than and there but its important to know what is wrong.

But the more important thing in these times is to stay close to the people who can hear you..........

Sending some hugs to someone who is feeling the same as me ❤️


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